Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

In my perfect world, this will be the last seconds of your life, and the last things you will see you motherfucker.

You know who you are. So the take home message for today is.. Fuck. You.

You have dishonoured me.
You have dishonoured my family.
Most of all, you have dishonoured yourself.
If that means anything to bastards like you at all.

Someday.. there will be a reckoning.

Until then.. '

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Z for Vendetta


Why did you do it..?

I've been your cook..
I've been your driver..
I've been your lawyer/adviser..
I've been your masseur..
I've been your chiropractor..
I've been your doctor..
I've been your planner..
I've been your IT engineer/procurer..
most of all.. I've been your lover..

For almost four years..
I've always been there for you when you needed me..

I did it not because I could or should..

I did it all because of love...

If as you said, I was the best boyfriend you had then why?

Your explanations defy all logic..

And still the question lingers.. why?

I shall not find out in this life time..